Sassy sassy sassy.

Its Socktober.

I was off to a great start come the 1st of Socktober but I seem to be slowing down a little. I haven't purposely left socks to finish this month its just I do have a few to finish thats for sure. I always seem to be under the impression that  I have a more than acceptable number of sock wips on the pins, but what is an acceptable number. Is it less than 10, less than 5 it could be when your reaching for your keys, coat and purse so you can head out to by more needle. Im of the opinion does it matter as long as your happy and comfortable with the number, its not going to have any  negative knock on effect thats for sure. My happy comfort zone is around 7 sock wips on the go, they all get finished eventually and they are all for different people so I'm ok with that. I happy to say that I have only 3 pairs on the pins this week but i know Im going to be casting on some next week ready to take to the knitting retreatIMG_2689

Owning a yarn shop that sells only sock yarn can be a problem as I want to cast on most of what I stock but  I'm going to be using Cumbria from The Fibre Company. I knit  a pair size 10.5 UK size using one skein. whilst a little scratchy once blocked they are so soft and the the yarn has great stitch definition and earthy feel to it. I used a 2.75mm needle and kept a 60 stitch cast on. Jonathan  loves them and reckons they're the nicest ones Ive knit for him. High praise indeed.

Ally Pally.

On Friay Lucy and I headed off to Ally Pally. The knitting and stitching show in London.Every year I debate to go and as usual at the last minute we went. Over the years it seems to be getting less and less. Usually theres a good selection of quilting stands but this year there wasn't, there seemed to be more stands with rolls of material, handbags, confectionary and clothes, which weren't on my wish list really. There were some lovely yarn stalls but I think the cost of the stands are so high its unaffordable to the small independent dyer and yarn shop owner. Saying this I did get some fab stuff from those that were there. New to me was Truly Hooked, what a lovely couple own this. Verity Castledaine is the dyer and designer behind Truly Hooked and her husband Meryck is the tech editor layout of charts expert and in Veritys words highly tolerant of her relentless nagging whilst producing a fabulous book . The Sock Drawer. It has 10 designs and the worst bit about the book is trying to decide which design to knit first.IMG_2723

My biggest purchase was a sleeveless vest formally known as a Tank Top from the Jamison stand. Nahanni River designed by Betts Lampers. I bought all the wool  and I can't wait to cast on. Its been okayed by Jonathan and the size chosen so its needles at the ready. I absolutely love colour work, to me its so relaxing and takes me into a zone that is so mediative. I always have a colour work project and I was going to knit Bowland by Susan Crawford but when I saw this  it just popped into my bag as if it said take me home mummy.IMG_2737

Im using the same colours as shown.

I also came home with 2 kits. This stall always attracts me but this is the first time Ive bought from them. They are Latvian Mitts and a Latvian Christmas stocking.IMG_2727

Aren't they fab. Ive already knit the Christmas stocking, I think Santa sprinkled some of his magic dust on my needles as the just flew off them. Its for Matilda my Granddaughter to hang on the fire place  at our house,IMG_2738

My drink of choice is nothing fancy I'm afraid just coffee, instant nescafe and really hot. I have tried the fusions and the fancy teas but I like my nescafe. I do like a lovely mug though,I will admit to being a mug snob. My favourite is a Royal Worchester mug my Dad bought me from `Sutton Hoo National Trust Shop and I love it. mostly because he bought it I think.


This is my Dad he's 81 tomorrow, and I've named my sock base after him 'Ted". This colour way will be going into the shop when I come back from `Cumbria once halloween is behind us. Ill keep you all updated.

Thank you for reading my blog.

