If You Knit Your never Lonely.

What a month, illness, heatwave and birthdays its all been happening at SSHQ. 

Im having trouble deciding whats more shocking, turning 58 or having a 32 year old . I look at my son and think where on earth did you appear from LOL.  I admit I am such a MUM bore.


I was telling him how on the 18th July I went in to be induced at 8am and I genuinely believed Id be home that night in my normal clothes having a take away to celebrate. 4 days labour,  traumatic emergency section changed that plan. Ignorance was bliss on the 18th.

It s the month I moved to Suffolk leaving Northumberland and my very close,  mad group of friends, my sister and 2 SIL who were all pregnant. Maggie My SIL Id been best friends with for years and still am.  My first job was tracking down a wool shop, even then Jonathan said I could sniff one out , who needs google maps.  The Wool Shop in Woodbridge was owned  by Pam and later by Cathy who gave me a Saturday job.  Discovering I was pregnant had me there every week buying baby wool,  they were instrumental in me settling, taking me under their wings giving me the Mum hug when things overwhelmed me. Ive never known loneliness like it and too this day there are places i don't visit, seats in cafes I cant sit in with out a lump in my throat.  If you knit your never lonely is my motto ( or less lonely)

As a Mum to two fiercely independant women, I laugh with my Mum when I say why on earth did you let me move away.  She just raises her eyebrows and says as if I could stop you. Me Ive already voiced that my daughter that lives near is never ever moving, oh how she laughs. 

Back to normal here at SSHQ 

Normal working conditions have returned here at SSHQ, illnesses have gone, its slightly cooler, and Im enjoying looking at new shades of  sock wool. we've just had a delivery of new Joji and Co Pampa Buckets. Ive already got my knitting in the new Emerald Green Pampa Bucket.   

A Sock named Sock

Ive been working on a new sock pattern.  Thinking up names for designs is the hardest pat for me, Ive gone for the simplest name on this pattern and A Sock named Sock  is a revamp of a  vanilla sock  pattern I wrote years ago.         

The sample test knit were gifted to one of our lovely friends Micheal who models them so well. They are knit using Opal 4 ply and so far Ive had positive feedback on them. Ive knit Mr SS some using Regia Yak that we stock. 

The Yarn Tart

Is coming back and the dye pots are coming out.  Im starting off slowly, no huge unveiling and Im sticking to one thing, one base.  I couldn't keep up with the dyeing in my kitchen so The Yarn tart went on a long break, but a few weeks ago I knit up a skein and thought ' I really like this why did I stop so Im starting again.

Sock Tubes 

Lots of sock tubes have been cranked, some for the shop and some for my present box. Its a love hate relationship I have with the Sock Machine, I no longer want to throw it through the window but Im not at the cuddle up stage either, 


A sweater for Flynn 

Im not one to reach for the baby wool as soon as I hear baby even for my own Grandchildren, but once they hit 3 the needles are clicking away. Im knitting Vinterfjell a fabulous design by Ellie of Skeindeer knits. Im using West Yorkshire Knitters,  Bo Peep DK that we stock. Its lovely to knit. Ive knit an adult version for myself using Rauma that i loved but has gone to live with Phoebe my youngest in London.

As well as socks Ive just cast on The Friendship Wrap,  I designed this to be knit using any 4 ply yarn.

In between knitting I finally managed to finish my Camber Dress by Merchant and Mills. This dress is a staple in my wardrobe and i have a few in different print as its so easy to wear, when i fancy a change i shorten it to tunic length and wear with jeans occassionally.


and Finally

We have to finish on a Vera photo. here she is going to the park in the basket of what was on my bike now on Jonnys. She loves going in this( she is very secure on a very short lead so she cant fall or jump out)


Happy Knitting 

take Care 
