Early riser.
Thats it! I'm officially an early riser, when I say rise I mean I wake up early go down stairs let the animals out, feed them make coffee,then I come back to bed with the coffee, the cat and the dog, trying unsuccessfully to be quiet and not wake Mr Suffolk Socks up.
I was going to be at a knit day organised by Colchester Knit Group, this is always a lovely day catching up with friends that I've knit with for years , my lovely DIL (she s not officially but she's my sons Partner and they're having a baby so she's as good as and we love her in this house so she's our DIL, hope she doesn't mind wearing the title) is having a final scan today so I want to be at home to see their excitement when they come round.
We are also going to sort the house out by venturing into the loft with lots of stuff that we don't need , ever use, but Jon won't throw out and it might come in handy at some time this century. Sunday I'll eagerly wait the ceiling falling in and try my hardest not to say I told you so. I think a run to the tip will be on. I love the tip don't you. I'm so busy nosing at what others are getting rid of I'm surprised I haven't fallen in the skips, the times I wish I'd had the courage to ask if I could have what they're throwing out
Due too holiday expenses ,birthday, pending births, graduations I've put myself on a very strict spending curfew of yarn. I own a yarn shop I know where I can lay my hand s on that Life in the Long Grass must have skein of sock yarn should the ceiling fall in.
[caption id="attachment_102" align="alignnone" width="764"] LITLG sock yarn[/caption]It didn't take me long too break my self imposed curfew, I went to knit group and Emily came and was telling us about her new Moder dye kit she d been bought for her birthday and before you could say Jack Flash that book was off the shelf paid for and in my bag. Kate Davies books are one of my must have in my knitting world. I love to knit colour work, I love the in depth articles she writes of life in Shetland and the background to her designs AND it's not wool so I'm perfectly justified in making this compulsive purchase AND I wasn't disapointed it's fab
[caption id="attachment_103" align="alignnone" width="764"] My must have in my knitting life[/caption]I can make all the excuses and say that chocolate bar is for photo purpose only, it's not mine, it's not been opened , it's been a bad day but no I'm not ... That bar of chocolate was half eaten because I LOVE CHOCLATE and I'm never going to change. I don't eat it on a Wednesday as its Slimming World Thursday mornings.
enjoy your weekend