Baby Shower Day

At last its here, a few emails and phone calls, The lovely Lydia will be guest of honour at her baby shower and the sun is shining. image

[caption id="attachment_134" align="alignnone" width="764"]I think it's a girl I think it's a girl. The photo above is one of my son Thom and Lydia when they'd just found out  it's a girl.[/caption]

It's going to be a lovely day. Lydia is a lovely welcome addition to our family, she  has a firm place in our hearts and the hearts of the rest of the Walters and Thompson extended family up North. SO welcome to the family Lydia the baby's a very special bonus.

[caption id="attachment_138" align="alignnone" width="764"]Cozy memories blanket. A design by Lucy, Attic 24 Cozy memories blanket. A design by Lucy, Attic 24[/caption]

Baby knitting is hard work for me. Ive been asked by knitters and non knitters if Ive been knitting like mad for the baby and I can say NO. I have knit a few things but I'm not a lover of having a baby knit on the go. The items I have knit are lovely but should they have a nasty accident in the wash I'm not going to loose sleep. As a new Mum the last thing Lydia needs is to have to think of handwashing and knits that require anything other than a fling it in the washer thought. I have however knit socks and a shawl for Lydia.image Iimage

The cakes are made all have to do is whip the cream for some mini banoffee tarts I've made. I've had to leave these till today incase I eat them. I've discovered salted caramel sauce in a jar, and oh my word that is dangerous stuff along with condensed milk.

[caption id="attachment_139" align="alignnone" width="764"]Victoria sponge. Coffee cake with chocolate topping and chocolate coated coffee beans Victoria sponge. Coffee cake with chocolate topping and chocolate coated coffee beans.[/caption]

Have a lovely Saturday.